Xbox Clan Recruitment Applications:

We are looking for actively talented snipers, gunners, & mainly really good players. Our clan name is ZeNo, also I am looking for players who will be active. [XBOX 360/One]

We have:
Weekly events
Sniper battles

large games Such as (ground war, hardcore Matches , as well as party games)

No age Requirement (Just no squeakers please)

To get Accepted you must either : Beat another member in a 1 on 1 , or get Recommendation from a member who is a Leader or Co leader of the clan

Leaders  and Co-Leaders are chosen from: Active time, honesty, loyalty to the clan, and how much you help out.

Format To apply:


Age(Do not lie , age will not decipher you from joining:

Do you have a working mic?:

Why should we accept you?:
what will your role be Sniper,gunner ,etc?:

What is your level in-game?:

Are you willing to help out other members under any circumstances?:

Are you a You-Tuber?:

If Yes whats your channel name? (Link Accepted):

What other attributes can you lend to DWMA?:

What are the clan roles and how are they divided?

Clans can have up to 50 players, with members organized into 4 earned ranks.  After tapping  on a Clan Mate’s info screen, you’ll be given various actionable options per your rank.
The responsibilities that each rank can control are:
When you join or re-join a clan, you will automatically earn membership. Even  if you were an Elder, Co-Leader or Leader in another or the same clan before, when you join a clan you will always start as a Member.
The Elder has more responsibilities than a Member, but less than a Co-Leader or Leader.  Elders can:
  • Invite players to join the clan
  • Accept players into the clan
  • Kick out clan Members (once every 20 minutes)
The Co-leader has more responsibilities than an Elder but less than a Leader.  Co-leaders can:
  • Invite players to the clan
  • Accept players into the clan
  • Promote and demote clan Elders
  • Promote new Co-Leaders
  • Kick out clan Members and Elders
  • Send messages to the whole clan. Remember, there is a 12-hour recharge period until you can write a message again.
The Leader of the clan has the most responsibility and can make the most decisions.  Leaders can:
  • Invite players to join the clan
  • Accept and decline requests to join the clan
  • Promote members to Elder-ship.
  • Promote and demote clan Elders
  • Demote themselves as Leader and give leadership to a Co-leader. Do so with caution as all leadership responsibilities will be lost.
  • Send messages to the whole clan. Remember there is a 12-hour recharge period until you can write a message again.

Founder & Publisher: ZeNo Profit


Accepted Clan Members: